GOOD GOVERNANCE: Sikkim tops Northeast States on CPGRAMS public grievances resolution
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Among the states in the Northeastern region, Sikkim emerged as the best performer, showcasing exemplary dedication to resolving public grievances.
The Government’s public grievances portal reported that 69523 public complaints were redressed through the system in the month of July. The CPGRAMS is an online portal where public can file their grievances online.
The CPGRAMS grievance redressal portal for public complaints stands as a PM Narendra Modi and his Government’s commitment to Good Governance, responsiveness and accountability. In an era where communication and transparency are pivotal to good governance, this achievement reflects the strides that have been made in fostering a citizen-centric approach.
Sikkim’s achievement serves as a model for other states to replicate and underscores the significance of technology, efficient administrative practices, and a citizen-first approach to governance. The achievement displays Sikkim Government’s seriousness for efficient governance and commitment to citizen-first policy.
The commitment of Sikkim Government under CM PS Golay to effective governance and prompt grievance resolution under has not only strengthened its reputation as a well-administered state but has also set an example for its regional counterparts.
The use digital technologies has played a crucial role in streamlining the complaint redressal process. Online platforms like the CPGRAMS and various mobile apps have made it easier for citizens to voice their concerns and track the progress of their complaints.
Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Kerala are among the top ranked states. Among the Union Territories category, Lakshawdeep ranks top, followed by Andaman and Nicobar and Ladakh.
It is important to remember that the effective governance is a continuous one and Sikkim’s performance in July demonstrates that progress is possible through innovation, commitment, and the active involvement of citizens. However, sustained efforts are required to maintain this momentum and further improve the state of public service delivery.
The redressal of 69523 public complaints in July is a remarkable achievement that reflects the power of proactive governance and citizen empowerment.
By prioritizing citizen concerns, embracing technology, and maintaining transparency, the Modi Government has set a high standard for public complaint resolution that is focused on prioritizing the citizens first.
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