Meghalaya to harness the untapped potential of the floriculture sector

floriculture sector
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The Government of Meghalaya hosted a two-day “Stakeholder consultation workshop on Unlocking opportunities in Meghalaya,” with a focus on the flourishing floriculture industry.

The event took place at the Courtyard by Marriott on November 1st, aimed at promoting dialogue and idea exchange in the floriculture sector.

Dr. M. Ampareen Lyngdoh, Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, was the chief guest at the workshop.

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The workshop brought together diverse stakeholders, including Hub managers, scientists, specialist researchers, companies, and associations, to explore and unlock the potential of the floriculture industry in Meghalaya.

The Government of Meghalaya has launched 14 Horti-hubs to promote floriculture and create employment opportunities beyond the public sector.

Initiatives like the Floriculture Development Scheme and the Prime Scheme are aimed at bolstering commercial floriculture and market-driven enterprises in Meghalaya.

The workshop aimed to motivate farmers to meet national and international standards, emphasizing that floriculture is an inclusive field where both men and women can thrive.

The workshop included presentations on the current state of floriculture in Meghalaya, brainstorming sessions on various aspects of floriculture, and discussions with participants from across the country, including entrepreneurs, experts, and florists.

Interactive sessions involved Hub Managers, Lead Farmers, and Florists, who shared practical experiences, challenges, and innovative solutions in the floriculture sector.

The workshop concluded by outlining a strategic roadmap for unlocking the potential of Meghalaya’s floriculture industry.

The floriculture sector in Meghalaya is witnessing a surge in commercial potential, driven by improved planting materials, technical inputs, and growing market demand.

The workshop is a significant step toward realizing Meghalaya’s ambition to become a Northeastern hub for floriculture.

(With inputs from NNN)

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